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Due to the ongoing policy of the magazine on an open access to the journal and the published in it materials, any reader is able to once copy any magazine issue under condition of non-commercial use of the copied files. Files for copying are located in the “Archive”.

Issues of the magazine are also available in the National E-Library, from the moment entering them into the database of the Russian Science Citation Index (  

Editorial staff does not consider topical the implementation of the mailing of the journal in printed form by subscription through catalogs: “Rospechat’”, “Pressa Rossii”, “Pochta Rossii” (Russian Post). If necessary the reader can obtain a print edition by paying the distribution services the partner of the magazine – closed joint-stock company “SANAR” which performs printing and mail forwarding. Cost of service of CJSC “SANAR” ( does not exceed the price of postage and the price of the ordered magazines.